Good for Workers and Good for Business Too – Lewisham Celebrates Living Wage Employers

November 13, 2020

This week marks Living Wage Week, and we are calling on local employers to commit to the Living Wage.

The Living Wage is a voluntary minimum wage which is calculated based on the cost of Living. This week, the Living Wage in London was increased to £10.85, over £2 higher than the legal minimum wage for workers aged 25 and over.

The mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, said: “I am proud that Lewisham was one of the first Councils to become an accredited Living Wage employer, and I am delighted that so many local businesses have committed to the Living Wage. We now have 81 Living Wage employers in the borough, who commit to paying at least the real Living Wage to all their directly employed staff, and to their regular contractors too”.

“I understand that it is an incredibly difficult time for many employers. But paying the Living Wage isn’t just the right thing to do, it makes business sense as well”.

Research from the Living Wage Foundation shows that 86% of employers who pay their workers the Living Wage say that it has improved the reputation of their business. It also increases motivation of employees and promotes staff retention. We were delighted to hear from some Living Wage employers at an event earlier this week, about the difference the Living Wage has made to their business, and to their workers.

The Living Wage campaign has put over £1.3 million back into the pockets of low paid workers in Lewisham alone. This includes our key workers such as cleaners and delivery drivers, who have been working tirelessly to keep our local and national economy going. It is why this week we are celebrating the employers that have continued to sign up to the real Living Wage and provided workers with security and stability during these hard times.

We are determined to do what we can to support local businesses to do the right thing, and to pay the Living Wage. That is why we offer all Lewisham businesses who become accredited Living Wage employers a one-off discount to business rates of up to £6,000.

Now more than ever, we need to support workers and ensure that they are rewarded with a fair wage.