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Preferred school places outcomes confirm Bromley top performances.

16 Mar, 2023

Figures from this year’s National Secondary Offer Day reveal that the majority of Bromley school children once again received offers from their preferred schools.

Just under 91 per cent of Bromley’s school children will be attending one of their top four choices of school, marginally higher than last year, with nearly 69 per cent offered their first preference.  The figures demonstrate that our continued collaborative working with the borough’s schools has ensured a sufficiency of places having previously increased provision by 150 places, equivalent to five forms, since 2020.

Councillor Kate Lymer, Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Education, Children and Families said, “I am pleased that once again the vast majority of Bromley’s children will be attending a school of their preference. This is always an anxious time for families and a significant milestone for children as they embark on their next phase of education. Every Bromley child should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and I wish them every success in their future education career.”

Councillor Lymer added, “It is always the case that a small minority of parents and children will be disappointed, and I would remind those who perhaps received a school offer they did not name, that National Offer Day is only the first stage in the offer process.  I would encourage families to seek out the Next Steps Guide available on the Bromley Council website which gives clear advice and explains what families can do next, to help secure their preferred schools.”