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Lewisham Council’s free employment service helps over 300 residents find work in its first year.

23 Feb, 2023

Lewisham Council is celebrating the first anniversary of Lewisham Works, its free employment service with a new engagement campaign which features its team of advisers alongside local beneficiaries.

Since its launch in March 2022, Lewisham Works’ has helped over 330 local people into jobs or towards the training and education they need to build the foundations for a lasting and fulfilling career. The initiative is part of a wider programme, which includes apprenticeships, to support the local economy, create more good jobs in the borough and increase opportunities for residents.

The initiative takes a holistic approach to tackling unemployment in the borough. Those signed up to the programme receive 1:1 expert advice, tailored support, mentoring and training to address often complex barriers to employment. Among the locals to have benefitted from the programme so far – 66 are refugees, 63 have declared a disability and 11 are homeless.

Lewisham secured £750,000 funding through the European Social Fund to deliver Lewisham Works for the first year but the programme is set to continue for the foreseeable future with ongoing investment from the Council. It is already well on track to reaching its target of supporting 1,000 people into jobs and training– as per the manifesto pledge.

As a job brokerage service, Lewisham Works also benefits the borough’s businesses, ensuring they reap the rewards of a fully skilled and motivated local workforce. The Council supports them to provide residents with realistic pathways into a wide range of jobs across multiple sectors – from construction to hospitality to admin.

Lewisham Works offers employment support across the borough, in various community locations including The Green Man in Bellingham, Unit 19 in Lewisham Shopping Centre, Catford Library, Lewisham College and Deptford Lounge. To book an appointment with an employment adviser, please visit lewisham.gov.uk/lewishamworks or email [email protected].

Cllr Kim Powell – Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills – said:

“Lewisham Works was specifically developed in response to a rise in local unemployment, due to Covid-19. We are delighted with the results we’re seeing so far and we know we can build on this further.

“This initiative is a key part of our work to help Lewisham meet its potential and become a place where everybody has equal access to a rewarding and fairly paid job.

“There are a whole variety of reasons why people might find it difficult find work. This can range from issues with language, childcare or learning disabilities. The programme can help develop skills and build confidence to put people in the strongest position to find a job that works for them.

“I would encourage any residents who are unemployed, over 18 and looking for work to please get in touch with our fantastic Lewisham Works team.”

Sian – Lewisham Works Employment and Training Adviser – said:

“I want everyone to be able to work towards a career they love and where they feel appreciated. I like that I’m helping people in the local community to achieve their goals, no matter how big or small.”

Kay – Lewisham Works programme participant – said:

“Sian’s been supporting me with looking for jobs that suit me and the person I am. We’ve been working around my daughter’s nursery times. She’s given me training on what to say in interviews and the extra confidence I needed. Sian made me believe in myself.”

Watch their short Lewisham Works films here.